Today (8 Feb 2016) marks eight years since my last dose of radiation at Jefferson University Hospital's Bodine Center for Radiation Therapy / Kimmel Cancer Center. It's hard to quantify the amount of time I spend questioning the possibility that the radiation treatments were the genesis of any of the lingering issues I have today. On a daily basis, I live with various symptoms of what are supposedly associated with an auto-immune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I do believe I have this condition and I do believe that the condition is the cause of these symptoms; however, I am forever going to associate the exacerbation of experiencing the symptoms of Hashimoto's with the end of my radiation therapy.
Since moving to the Pacific Northwest, I have been more in-tune with my body and know how to assess my symptoms better than at any other time in my life. Living and attempting to "flourish in society" has it's ups and a whole lot of downs. I persist in being someone who approaches life with a positive disposition, having done a fair job in surrounding myself with plenty of productive distractions to keep me moving. The 8th of February 2008 will always be a strange celebration. Sure, it marked the end a stretch of willingly going to appointments to poison my body. But it also opened up a brand new, mysterious world in which to navigate. For the record, I think killing cells -- cancer cells, tumor cells, and any other kind of cells and/or tissue -- by the method of stereotactic radiosurgery can be, without a doubt, classified as poisoning Eight years on, I have much for which to be grateful. Each day has it's beauty. I am alive to experience it, to question it, to enjoy it, to frequently get challenged by it, but to always live it. Life! Just keep moving. |
p.s. feeling pretty energized on this Monday. Not going to celebrate too much, yet. Though adding the fer. sulfate (iron) back into the morning supplement regimen and the kava to my evening, sleep-support "rockstar cocktail" seems to be contributing to my elevated state. [bedside cocktail above]. -A-a
HealTH CArE ALeRt! 6 June 2017
Recent msg sent via "MyChart" to my N.D. & her team: Good morning Dr. Pellegrini and team! Just a heads-up: Aetna will be trying to contact you today re: Rx refill. Please be on the lookout for a fax, yes fax (uggggh, why?!?) with a request to change the order from a 30 pills & 30-day order to 90 pills & 90-day order. Please keep me in the loop if any issues persist. Thanks for your attention to this, Aaron |